the esposito research
& strategy blog

Esposito Research & Strategy blog

"I just called to say"

These are words we hear less and less in the business world, as people seem reluctant to invest in conversations until such time as they know that a project is likely to go ahead.

Recently we’ve found ourselves in the position of commissioning research. And that has thrown some interesting perspectives!

We’ve summarised the main insights below:

  1. Call to thank the client for the brief and introduce yourself (as a person, not just your business).

  2. Put some suggestions forward. Don’t be scared of demonstrating that you can think laterally.

  3. Make sure you respond fully and within the deadline…

  4. Chase up if you don’t hear anything. OK by email, but reiterate how keen you are to be involved.

  5. If you don’t get the project, call & thank the client. That builds a positive closure.


Talking to someone a couple of times builds a much stronger personal understanding than 20 emails ever could. As competition continues to remain tough, clients are looking for ways to sift through dozens of research partners quickly.

Don’t give them a reason to reject you! Show you’re interested by building a personal rapport and demonstrating a professional but enthusiastic - and above all PERSONAL approach.

Agree? Disagree? Share your thoughts by calling us or emailing us on <a href=””></a>.

looking ahead

The last 12 months have seen a flurry of new research approaches.

Recruiting online communities via Facebook…Testing online journeys through a sequence of live surveys …Playful formats bringing quantitative surveys to life …Using Fitbit bracelets instead of a health diary …Advanced co-creation with consumers, suppliers and clients IN THE SAME ROOM…Yes, all of these are possible.

New technology is opening up fantastic ways to engage with your audience and find out what makes them tick.

We’re easy to talk to, so if you have so much as the gem of an idea or want to bounce around potential solutions to a business issue, do call us or email